I have been rationing Epiphanies, allowing myself only two pages each evening in order to savor its every drop. I didn't want the book to end, but last night it did, and I will turn out the light tonight a little lonelier. It's a lovely book, beautifully written, thoughtful, winsome and wise. I will be loaning and recommending it right and left.
- Huston Smith, author of The World's Religions & Why Religion Matters
What are these sudden, palpable truths we call epiphanies, wonders Jauregui in this brilliant and enchanting debut....Like an atom, Epiphanies is both simple and complex, endlessly fascinating, and relevant to all living things.
- Body & Soul
Melding personal experience with scientific and spiritual inquiry, a psychotherapist and professor has created an inspiring, thought-provoking story of healing and hope. Having had her own transcendent experiences as a child, Jauregui experiences an epiphany years later while listening to a radio show about quantum physics which stimulates her curiosity about how we heal and how we participate in the creation of reality. We then embark on a stimulating voyage through the healing experiences of a number of her clients and the place they take alongside the discoveries of frontier science.
- IONS: Noetic Sciences Review
Passionately and intelligently, Jauregui, a psychotherapist in Berkeley, Calif., compares the mathematical field of fractals to the human condition, and recounts stories of patients whose personal revelations have brought them joy in the face of great pain.
- Publishers Weekly
Jauregui's beautiful but grounded writing as well as her gentle and fiercely intelligent personal presence make her stories hard to discount whether or not mystical experiences are easy to integrate with one's own beliefs. And the stories are no odder (and no less odd), in the final analysis, than the theories of quantum physics.
- Source
A highly personal wander through the author's creative and intriguing mind. Jauregui examines a nonlinear, often nonlocal source of therapeutic power, derived from her ability to sit quietly and make room for the deep stirrings of her clients.
- Psychotherapy Networker
Winner of a Silver Nautilus Book Award in the Cosmology/New Science category:
In Epiphanies, Ann Jauregui draws with great imagination upon modern physics and cosmology to reconfigure the most basic assumptions of psychology. She not only enhances the healing techniques of her field but deepens the ethical mission of therapy.
- Theodore Roszak, author of The Voice of the Earth
Epiphanies is a powerful and delightful account of the mind's ability to gain spontaneous insight and to reorganize information in therapeutically successful ways. Such events invariably reduce stress and elevate emotional tone toward joy. This is the stuff of conscious evolution.
- Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., Apollo astronaut, founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, author of The Way of the Explorer
Splendid glimpses into the sacred space in which therapist and client are willing to wait for the liberating truth tht surprises them both.
- Sylvia Boorstein, author of Pay Attention, for Goodness’ Sake
Magic happens-unbidden, suddenly, transforming our life and the way we think about the world. Finally a book that breaks the taboo on speaking about these grace-filled moments. Epiphanies, as Dr. Ann Jaurequi shows, reveal that the world at heart is kinder and more benevolent than we have recently supposed. Epiphanies is a powerful antidote to the deadening materialism of our day.
- Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Beyond the Body & Reinventing Medicine
Ann Jauregui writes with real intimacy, poetry, and an original panache, and what she has to say about the evolution of the human personality is as bracing as it is profound.
- Andrew Harvey, author of The Direct Path
We are taken to the far side of science, which – according to Jauregui – bears a remarkable resemblance to what she refers to as “epiphanies,” moments when the very ineffable finds words for itself – the miracle of the new. With bravura, she passes from personal reminiscence to “tales of psychotherapy” to the history of recent science and back again almost as if the only borders that separate these domains are nothing more than speed bumps.
- David Epston, co-author with Michael White of Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends
I've enjoyed and learned from Epiphanies. The concept of the “shift” is a useful one. I know now that I have often missed it!
- Lawrence LeShan, author of The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist